I bow my head in gratitude to the Almighty who has given us the opportunity and the means through the Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust to bring a life changing improvement in the lives of children born with cleft lip, poor families with the sole breadwinner afflicted with Hepatitis C and families who can least afford treatment whose members fall victim to deadly diseases which require expensive treatment. The hospital established by the Bakhtawar Amin Medical Trust in 2008 has now grown into a modern 500 bed teaching hospital with a focus on providing first class health care to those in need, either free or at affordable cost. None of these developments would have been possible without the unflinching support of the Trustees and donors. I feel privileged to place on record my deepest appreciation and gratitude to them. I would also like to welcome the next 100 medical students to the Bakhtawar Amin Medical & Dental College, with prayers that this would be the beginning for you, of a glorious and rewarding career in medicine.